Friday, December 12, 2014

Honour Killings

It's an honor to kill people in the name of honor.

It's an honor to kill people in the name of Honor Killing.


An honor killing or honour killing is the homicide of a member of a family or social group by other members, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family or community, usually for reasons such as refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their relatives, having sex outside marriage, becoming the victim of rape, dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate, or engaging in homosexual relations.


The bodies of Sunita Devi (L), 21, and her partner Jasbir Singh, 22, lie on the ground after they were killed by villagers in an “honour killing” in Ballah village in the northern Indian state of Haryana May 9, 2008. Growing economic opportunities for young people and lower castes in Haryana have made “love marriages” more common, experts say, and the violent repression of them has risen in tandem as upper caste Jat men fight to hold on to power, status and property. Picture taken May 9, 2008. INDIA-HONOURKILLING/ REUTERS/Stringer


Methods of killing include stoning, stabbing, beating, burning, beheading, hanging, throat slashing, lethal acid attacks, shooting and strangulation.[20] The murders are sometimes performed in public to warn the other women within the community of possible consequences of engaging in what is seen as illicit behavior.


 Qamar Jan, an 18-year-old Afghan woman, was attacked by her fiance after refusing to marry him.

The origin of honor killings and the control of women is evidenced throughout history in the culture and tradition of many regions. The Roman law of pater familias gave complete control to the men of the family over both their children and wives. Under these laws, the lives of children and wives were at the discretion of the men in their family. Ancient Roman Law also justified honor killings by stating that women found guilty of adultery could be killed by their husbands. Among the Ching dynasty in China, fathers and husbands had the right to kill females deemed to have dishonoured them


A young newlywed couple in northeastern Pakistan died a horrible death at the hands of the bride's family in the latest honor killing in the nation. The couple, identified as Sajjad Ahmed, 26, and Muawia Bibi, 18, were married by a Pakistani court on June 18 against the wishes of the Bibi family,the bride's father and uncles lured the couple back to the village of Satrah in Punjab province, where Ahsanullah said the pair were tied up and then decapitated.
In Pakistan, 869 women were victims of honor killings in year 2013

Several other stories are there more worse than that, where the victims are get tortured brutally and murdered.



  • 5000 honour killings internationally per year.
  • 1000 honour killings occur in India
  • 1000 honour killings occur in Pakistan
  • 12 honour killings per year in  UK


 The United Nations Population Fund reported 5,000 honour killings per year in 2000. However, these figures are disputed and there has not been any subsequent global estimate.

There are currently around 1000 honour killings per year in India alone, and these occur across all the major faiths of the region, including Hindus and Sikhs. Crimes against women motivated to maintain or restore ‘honour’ can be found in a variety of cultures and historical periods; a law that allowed for ‘honour’ killing was part of the Italian penal code right up until 1980. While in the current period, ‘honour’ killings are mostly associated with the Middle East and other countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan, this may not reflect reality as similar crimes may be being committed elsewhere but are not yet recognised as ‘honour’-related.

Common expectations associated with ‘honour’ are that:
  • Women must guard their virginity and not develop relationships with persons outside the approved group;
  • Women must aquiesce to the demands of their family, particularly with regard to the arrangement of marriage;
  • Women should not air their problems outside the family; this includes reporting spousal violence to the authorities;
  • Women should not initiate divorce, and should not seek to gain custody of their children.


Friday, January 25, 2013


Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, which is initiated by one or more persons against another person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or with a person who is incapable of valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent. The term is most often defined in criminal law.

Rape is a violent act, and most commonly committed by a male upon a female. However, some cases of rape have been reported in which a woman has raped a man. Rape also may occur between members of the same sex. This is more prevalent in situations where access to the opposite sex is restricted (such as prisons, military settings, and single-sex schools).

Those who face some form of discrimination are believed to be at higher risk of sexual assault. This increased vulnerability can assume various forms. For example, those with disabilities or limited language skills have a decreased ability to call for help; prostitutes or convicted prisoners have decreased credibility.
Source  :

Types of Rape :

There are several types of rape, generally categorized by reference to the situation in which it occurs, the sex or characteristics of the victim, and/or the sex or characteristics of the perpetrator. Different types of rape include but are not limited to: date rape, gang rape, marital rape, incestual rape, child sexual abuse, prison rape, acquaintance rape, war rape and statutory rape.

The typical rape victim is a 16-24 year-old woman. Anyone, however -- man or woman, adult or child -- can be the victim of rape. Most commonly, the assailant is a 25-44 year-old man who plans his attack. He usually chooses a woman of the same race. Nearly half the time, the victim knows the rapist at least casually, from working or living near him. Alcohol is involved in more than 1 out of 3 rapes.Over 50% of rapes occur in the victim's home. The rapist breaks into the victim's home or gains access under false pretenses, such as asking to use the phone or posing as a repairman or salesman.

Facts about Rape

  • Every 2 minutes, someone in the U S, is sexually assaulted
  • 1 in 4 girls will be sexually assaulted by the age of 18
  • 1 in 6 women have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime
  • 15 % of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12 
  • Approximately 68% of rape victims knew their assailant. 28% of victims are raped by husbands or boyfriends, 35% by acquaintances, and 5% by other relatives. 29% of female victims reported that the offender was a stranger
  • More than 50% of all rape/sexual assault incidents were reported by victims to have occurred within 1 mile of their home or at their home
  • About 3% of American men – or 1 in 33 – have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime
  • 2.78 million men in the U.S. have been victims of sexual assault or rape 
  • 17.7 million American Women have been victims of attempted or completed rape
  • 93 % of juvenile sexual assault victims knew their attacker
  • Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes, with 60 % still being left unreported.
In 2007:
  • In Alabama, 1,408 rapes were reported
  • An average of 4 rapes per day
  • In 72 % of the rapes, the victim and offender knew or were related to each other 
  • 22.5 years was the average age of a victim
  • 19 % of rapes occurred on a Saturday and 18 % on a Sunday
  • 28.0 was the average age of an offender
  • 76 % of victims reported no other injuries from the rape and 52 % submitted to a medical exam
Reference :

Common consequences experienced by Rape victims include.

·         Vaginal or Anal bleeding or infection
·         Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
·         Vaginitis
·         Dyspareunia, Vaginismus
·         Chronic Pelvic pain
·         Urinary infections
·         Pregnancy


Childhood and adulthood victims of rape are more likely to attempt or commit suicide. The association remains, even after controlling for sex, age, education, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and the presence of psychiatric disorders. The experience of being raped can lead to suicidal behavior as early as adolescence. In Ethiopia, 6% of raped schoolgirls reported having attempted suicide. They also feel embarrassed to talk about what had happened to them. A study of adolescents in Brazil found prior sexual abuse to be a leading factor predicting several health risk behaviors, including suicidal thoughts and attempts

Rape Protest







Monday, March 5, 2012

Donate Blood Save Life..

A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusions or made into medications by a process called fractionation.

Blood donation is one of the noblest works. But, in spite of the various reasons, for donating blood and encouraging others to do it. Need of the hour is to make people aware about the facts and myths regarding blood donation. So that people can contribute by without any fear or doubt. Many organizations organize blood donation camps but they get only few participants, this is a pitiable condition. There are too many myths associated with this noble cause that should be completely eradicated as soon as possible.

Blood Facts
  • Blood is the life-maintaining fluid that circulates through the body's heart, arteries, veins and capillaries.
  • Blood carries to the body nourishment, electrolytes, hormones, vitamins, antibodies, heat, and oxygen
  • Blood carries away from the body waste matter and carbon dioxide.
  • Blood fights against infection and helps heal wounds, keeping you healthy.
  • Blood makes up about 7% of your body's weight.
  • A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in his or her body.
  • White blood cells are the body's primary defence against infection.
  • Granulocytes, a type of white blood cell, roll along blood vessel walls to search and destroy bacteria.
  • Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body's organs and tissues.
  • There are about one billion red blood cells in two to three drops of blood.
  • Red blood cells live about 120 days in the circulatory system.
  • Blood platelets help clotting and give those with leukemia and other cancers a chance to live.

Tips on Blood Donation

  • Have a good meal at least 3 hours before donating blood.
  • Accept the snacks offered to you after the donation, it is vital that you have them. You are recommended to have a good meal later.
  • Avoid smoking on the day before donating. You can smoke 3 hours after donation.
  • You will not be eligible to donate blood if you have consumed alcohol 48 hours before donation.


Misconceptions about donating blood

  • "I will feel drained and tired after donating" - You will not feel drained or tired if you continue to drink fluids and have a good meal.
  •   "I cannot resume normal activities" - You can resume all your normal activities, though you're asked to refrain.
  •  "I will have low blood" - If you are okayed to donate by the doctor you will still have surplus blood after the donation.
  •  "I can't take alcohol..." - You can on the next day.
  •  "It will be painful while donating" - No, you will not feel any pain.
  •  "I will feel dizzy and may faint" - You will not faint or feel uncomfortable after donating blood.
  •  "I may get AIDS!" - No! Make sure disposable syringes are used and all measures are taken to keep you germ free.
  •  "My blood is common. I don't think there will be demand for it" - That is why the demand for your type is greater than for rare types.

Here is some useful information about Blood donation:

1.      Universal Donor: O- (negative) group
2.      Universal Receiver: AB+( positive) group
3.      Life of Blood Storage:
§    Whole Blood : 35 Days
§    RBC: 42 Days
§    RDP: 5 Days
§    FFP and Cryo: 1Year

Myths And Facts About Blood Donation

1.     Blood donation leads to weakness.
2.     Government hospitals prohibit blood from private Blood Banks.
3.     Blood Bank is a commercial and profit making activity.
4.     Women and girls cannot donate blood.

1.     Blood donation never leads to weakness it moreover brings in new energy.
2.    According to the NOC issued by the Government of India, government hospitals can take blood       from any licensed Blood Bank.
3.     Blood Bank is completely a no profit, no loss service.
4.     Any healthy person, weighing more than 45 kgs. and in the age group of 18 to 60 can donate blood    irrespective of their gender.

MYTH: You don’t need me. You have plenty of donors.

FACT: Patients need you! Only about 5% of the eligible population takes the time to donate blood. Blood can not be manufactured in the laboratory. The only source for this lifesaving resource is volunteer blood donors. Approximately 32,000 units are used each day in the U.S.

MYTH: I don’t have time to donate blood.

FACT: Donating blood only takes approximately an hour of your time. The majority of that time is spent filling out a medical questionnaire and checking vital signs. The actual donation process takes about 10 minutes.

MYTH: I can’t give blood because I’m afraid of needles.

FACT: Most people do feel a bit of nervousness about blood donation. Most also say after their donation that they’re sorry they waited so long. Blood donation is a momentary discomfort for the donor that can provide a lifetime of a difference for the patient.

MYTH:When there is a requirement, blood can be manufactured.

FACT: Blood is not something that can be manufactured. It can only come from healthy human beings.

MYTH:Blood donation can tell if one is HIV positive.

FACT: HIV antibodies can take months to develop after infection with the virus. Those recently infected may have a negative test result and yet be able to infect others. It is better not to donate blood if at risk of getting HIV or other infections.

MYTH: I can’t give blood because I have epilepsy or seizures.

FACT: Epilepsy or seizures do not disqualify you from donating as long as you have had no seizures for one year.

MYTH:I can’t donate because I’m anemic.

FACT: Your hemoglobin (iron) level will be checked prior to donating blood. As long as levels are normal on the day of donation, you may give.

MYTH:I can’t give blood because I had a flu shot.

FACT: In fact, you may donate blood the same day you receive the vaccination.

MYTH: Being a vegetarian, means that the blood does not have enough iron and cannot be donated.

FACT: Vegetarians can donate blood. The iron needed is taken from body stores and once a balanced diet is maintained is replaced after donation. This usually normally takes a month or so.

MYTH: Blood lasts forever.

FACT: Red blood cells have a shelf life of only 42 days under refrigeration. Platelets last only 5 days. Every day the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center must collect 500 units of blood.

MYTH: People with tattoos and piercings can not be blood donors.

FACT: Donors who have recently received a tattoo may be accepted, provided the procedure was done at a licensed facility in Texas. Donors must provide the name of the licensed business and the city in Texas where the business is located.

MYTH: I can’t give blood because I have seasonal allergies.

FACT: Allergies, even those that need to be controlled by medication, will not prevent you from donating blood.

MYTH:Health deteriorates after donating blood.

FACT: If you are healthy prior to donation, your recovery is complete in a day or two. It is advised to rest a while after donating. Drinking enough liquids replaces the lost fluid within a couple of hours. The body produces new cells faster after a donation. All the RBCs are replaced within 3-4 days and WBCs within 3 weeks.

MYTH:you cannot take part in sports or other physical activities after donating blood.

FACT: Giving blood does not interfere with ability to perform physically. Advice to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous workouts for the rest of the day is given after the donation. You can get back on track the next day.

MYTH: I can’t give blood because I have high blood pressure.

FACT: As long as your blood pressure is below 180 systolic (first number) and 100 diastolic (second number) at the time of your donation, you may give blood. Furthermore, medications that you may be taking for high blood pressure do not disqualify you from donating.

MYTH: All medications and antibiotics defer you from donating blood.

FACT: Taking medications is NOT an automatic deferral. Most are perfectly acceptable. Since there are many different medications, the easiest thing to do is call the Center to ask. Anyone who is currently taking antibiotics for an infection will be deferred until 24 hours after the last dose. Donors unsure of the medication used will be deferred for a 28 day period.

MYTH: HIV or other infections can be contracted from donating blood.

FACT: A clear procedure exists for taking blood from each donor. Sterility is maintained at all steps. A sterile, new needle is used for each donation and is then properly discarded. Use of sterile equipment and technique limits the chance of infection.

MYTH:Age is a deterrent to blood donation.

FACT: Anyone up to the age of 60 who is fit and healthy can give blood.

MYTH:Heavy people are healthier and have more blood to give.

FACT: Being overweight makes people less healthy. Overweight people do not have more blood.

MYTH: I can’t give blood because I have high cholesterol.

FACT: A high cholesterol level does not disqualify you from donating–even if medication is used to control it. In fact, when you donate blood with CBCO you will get a FREE cholesterol screening!

MYTH:I can’t give blood because I had cancer.

FACT: While some types of cancer may disqualify you from donating, there are many circumstances under which you may donate blood after an appropriate waiting period. Please contact CBCO for more information.

MYTH: Diabetics can not donate blood.

FACT: Type II diabetics (non-insulin dependent) are eligible to donate blood provided the diabetes is controlled by diet and/or oral antidiabetic drugs. Diabetics taking injectable insulin may donate blood if they are stabilized and have not changed their insulin dosage within 2 weeks of donating.